Anne Caryl

Merry Christmas. Are you kidding me?
A Christmas Poem
Merry Christmas. Are you kidding me?
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I read the words written by a disgruntled citizen, asking how we dared say “Merry Christmas” with the world in such sad shape. I suppose my answer would be, “What better time?”


Economic systems worldwide are in near-collapse. But my Lord…the one who gave up all glory to be incarnate as a human baby…reminds me that my security does not lie in the wealth of the world. Merry, merry Christmas!


Nations rise up against other nations, touting weapons that could annihilate all humanity, yet the Lord of the Universe has power beyond the imaginations of our brightest minds, and He tells me that no matter what happens on this little blue planet, He is in control. Hallelujah and merry Christmas!


Daily, people perpetrate hate crimes on one another, crimes so heinous even the innocence of babies is not spared. But the baby who lay in the manger on that long-ago night was the very essence of love, and still is today. And the greatest wonder of all is that His love is directed to us. Gloria!


Governments may strip nativity scenes from courthouse lawns. But those scenes are only reminders of the nativity of the One from whom those governments draw their authority. And governments cannot eradicate the nativity scenes in our hearts. Sing Noel!


No, there is nothing on this earth that warrants us to hang our heads. Our God is in control. He knows what shape our earth is in…it is not so much different than the world was two thousand years ago. He knows the depths of despair our hearts sometimes sink into, and He longs to lift us up. He feels our pain and he cries our tears. He understands our emptiness, and He wants to fill us. And, concerning this little blue planet he formed in His great hands, he has a plan. He put it into effect when that baby was born in Bethlehem, He exulted in its promise as he rolled the stone back from the mouth of the grave to show the world that Love could not be entombed there.  And he will fulfill His promise when he comes again to make all wrongs right.


So, my disillusioned and disgruntled friend, Merry Christmas!


Anne Caryl
504 East Furry St.
Holyoke, Co. 80734